family health university library

about the library

The Family Health University Library which is the heart of the private premier medical institution, was set up to provide the information and research needs of the University College community.

The library affairs support the college mission by providing materials, services, and facilities to improve student enrollment, retention and success and to motivate faculty members through teaching, learning, research and service.  Since the Vision of the University College is to be a prime centre for the education and training of health professionals, for the advancement of human health., the Library provides accurate, current, relevant and timely information to empower users.

A higher percentage of the Library’s collection is funded from the University College’s budget.  However, we receive donations from donors’ both in Ghana and abroad.  We also have E-book Service and an Electronic Catalogue both built in-house and powered by the KOHA Library Management Software.

Librarian’s WELCOME message

We are pleased to welcome you to the Tim Johnson Library, the academic hub of Family Health University. As the premier library of Ghana’s top private medical school, we are honoured to support the university’s mission of excellence in teaching, learning, research, and service. 

We encourage students to make full use of the library’s services, from borrowing privileges to research support. Faculty members are invited to collaborate with us to enrich academic success through customized services that enhance teaching and scholarly pursuits.

Whether you’re here to study, explore, or innovate, you will find a welcoming and resourceful space to support your aspirations.

Thank you for making us part of your academic experience. We look forward to serving you.

Head Librarian

VISION & MISSION of the library


FHUC Tim Johnson Library complex is to strive for excellence in the provision of quality, relevant, current and timely information to ensure that the vision of the University College is worked towards. “To be a prime Centre for the education and training of health professionals, for the advancement of human health.”


The Mission of the library is to commit to excellent modern practices to create, preserve, disseminate and apply information.

composition & services of the library

composition of the library

The Library has five (5) functional units. They are:

  • Electronic Support Unit
  • The Library Department
  • Cataloguing Unit
  • Reference and Research
  • Lending and Circulation Unit


  • Reference and Reader Services
  • Electronic Support Services
  • Literature Searches
  • Library Instructions and Training
  • Inter-Library Loans and Documents Delivery Services


The library is opened from Monday to Saturday to serve the needs of our users.

Mondays – Fridays                 –        8: 00am – 9:45pm

Saturdays                                    –        9:00am – 1:45pm 

Vacation Period                      –        8:00 am – 5:00pm





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