family health university & specialist hospital
Family Health University, honoured with the prestigious Presidential Charter, started in a garage at 51 Guggisberg Street, Korle Bu in 1997 as a Diagnostic Centre, and was later moved into a rented premise at Zoti Road as Family Health Hospital. In 2007, it was relocated to its permanent site at Teshie, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and directly opposite the Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Training Centre. As the hospital expanded, the need to train its own health personnel saw the establishment of the Nursing and Midwifery School in 2009.
In addition, on June 2, 2014 the National Accreditation Board (now Ghana Tertiary Education Commission [GTEC]) issued a Certificate of Authorisation to the Family Health Hospital to establish the Family Health Medical School, which is Ghana’s Premier Private Medical School. Thereafter, the National Accreditation Board also gave the Family Health Medical School accreditation on April 01, 2015.
In 2016, the Institution was given a University College status which has now been honoured with the prestigious Presidential Charter and it is now Family Health University.