The vision is always for an appointed time, though it tarries, it shall surely come to pass.!!! Six years ago, a vision was birth, for qualified applicants who were ‘denied’ admission to the country’s public medical schools due to limited facilities to have a chance to pursue their dream with the opening of the country’s first private medical school.
The Family Health Medical School with accreditation from the National Accreditation Board, Medical and Dental Council and with affiliation to the University of Ghana took off with fifteen (15) students, a year later, the school chalked another first. That is, the first private medical school in the country to admit graduate students to continue with their medical profession journey. Hence, the Graduate Entry Medical Program (GEMP) at the Family Health Medical School. An additional fifteen (15) students joined the regular class for their medical program.
Six years later for the Regular class and three years for the GEMP class, the world gets to see the manifestation of their dreams.
Management and staff of Family Health Medical School is pleased to unveil the pioneer class, pacesetters and barrier breakers of private medical education in Ghana.
Ladies and gentlemen, Family Health Medical School, presents thirty (30) gallant medical doctors, help congratulate them and wish them well in their professional journey
We are proud of this achievement. We await your service to humanity and hope and pray you make your Alma Mater proud in consulting rooms across the nation and beyond.
#premierclass2020 #premierprivatemedicalschool #familyhealthmedicalschool #fhmstotheworld #fhmsdoctor #consultingroomready